Selasa, 14 Oktober 2008
Selecting The Correct Camera For You
There are actually two types of cameras that you can choose. It all depends on how new you want to be or how traditional you want to remain. Currently, the choices range from purchasing a manual camera or of the slew of hi-tech digital cameras.

To make it easier for you, the following are tips to help you choose the best digital camera as well as the perfect manual camera for you.

If you want to buy a manual camera, first determine if you would like for photography to be a hobby that is serious or simply a past time.

If you're really serious, it is best that you choose a camera that is an SLR or specifically a single lens reflex camera. The difference between a SLR camera and an average point & shoot one is that the former allows the photographer to adjust the aperture as well as the camera’s shutter speed. Though the pictures may be a bit difficult to take, it is more fulfilling to do so – if you have the patience for it - it allows you the opportunity to create the pictures you want. A point and shoot camera meanwhile simply just takes pictures as is and that may be what you want.

Get The Opinion Of An Experienced Photographer & Photo Magazine Reviews

It is best that you research and read popular magazines on photography and see how they evaluate particular SLR cameras. It is highly advisable that you make yourself familiar with the current cameras being offered.

Reading up could also give you an idea of your needs. It will also help you decide if you want a camera that has a lens for doing close-up shots or do you want a camera with a flash system. What depth of field would you prefer?

Know How Much You Are Willing To Spend

The prices of cameras, particularly the SLR ones vary. The low end cameras offer automatic aperture settings and are basically manually operated. However, the camera models that are on the higher end also include features found on the low end cameras plus more. These types of cameras are also programmable, have an ability to measure flash through the camera’s lens and provide more aperture and shutter speed read outs.

Know How To Choose When You Are Finally Ready To Choose

If you are already in the store and ready to pick a camera to purchase, it is best that you actually hold the camera and look through the camera’s view finder. Check how the camera focuses. Is it bright? Are you comfortable operating its controls? Is your wallet comfortable with its price?

It is best that the manual camera you choose fits not just your needs but your budget as well.

However, if you are intent on purchasing a digital camera and actually find nothing impressive about the manual camera, the following are basic tips to make your selection and purchase the best one.

As with purchasing a manual camera, set how much you are willing to spend when buying a digital camera. Know your monetary limits and work from there. Be open minded as well as realistic. A inexpensive digital camera may not necessarily be a low end kind and an expensive digital camera may not necessarily be a high end kind. Believe it or not, there are refurbished digital SLR cameras that are cheaper than the newer ones being offered, yet have more features not available on newer expensive types. There are many of these kind on ebay.

Determine How Experienced You Are

Be honest with yourself. How experienced or inexperienced are you? If you are a novice, then a point & shoot digital camera may be best for you, but if you are seriously intent on learning more, it would be best to choose a camera that offers more features, exposure, and control.

Check Reviews

Just as with manual cameras, try your best to read on reviews of digital cameras. There are several sites on the web. These sites are both for serious and professional photographers as well as those that are just starting out.

All in all, choosing a camera is easy if you know what you are looking for. Start with yourself, your wants and your needs and everything else will fall into place.

For more helpful information about digital photography don't miss Learn Digital Photography Now, Digital Photography Secrets, and Easy Digital Photography Business.

posted by Sekilas Tentang Digital Imaging @ 22.08   0 comments
How A Digital Camera Works
Digital cameras come in a variety of different shapes and sizes. Different brands of digital cameras also offer users an array of features designed to make each and every shot fantastic. Despite the numerous features offered by digital cameras, manufacturers still manage to create products that are simple enough for a child to use.

Day by day digital cameras are becoming a well-known fixture in most homes across the globe. In fact, most of the people around the world own one and use it on a regular basis. Digital cameras have also been incorporated into a variety of technical gadgets that have been integrated into the lifestyle of people everywhere.

PDA devices as well as cellular phones are just some of the technological devices that have a digital camera feature. Despite being an add-on feature, the digital camera device installed in these gadgets fair relatively well compared to detached models.

As a matter of fact the memory used for digital cameras, detached models or otherwise, can easily be upgraded using memory cards. The added memory will certainly come in handy because most digital cameras can also be used to take video clips.

There are numerous brands of digital cameras available on the market today. Mainstream electronic brands like Nikon, Kodak, Canon and Olympus are just some of the manufacturers of conventional 35mm cameras who have jumped on the bandwagon to create their own lines of digital cameras. Other famous brands that manufacture digital cameras include Panasonic, Casio and Sony.

Basic Features Of Digital Cameras To Consider

Regardless of brand names, digital cameras have the same basic features that any consumer should know and consider before buying one. Even though digital cameras are generally a point and shoot device, certain features can often single out a particular brand or model. A good example of this is the term megapixel, which became known when digital cameras were introduced in the market.

Megapixels, which means millions of pixels, measure the quality and size of a digital camera. Pixels refer to the dots that make up a picture. Therefore a digital camera that has about a 5-megapixel resolution will produce better quality pictures compared to a 3-megapixel digital camera.

Moreover, photos taken with a digital camera that offers greater megapixels can be enlarged safely without sacrificing the quality of the picture. Average digital cameras with less than 3 megapixels often forfeit the clarity of the picture once it is enlarged. Unfortunately, there is a downside to using a digital camera with greater megapixels as they consume more of the camera’s memory.

The zoom function of a digital camera is another feature that most consumers should consider. There are generally two types of zoom features for many of the digital cameras on the market today. The optical zoom feature is common in devices without permanent lenses. The user can simply zoom and focus on the subject to be photographed.

A digital zoom feature is similar to using an editing software program for images. In most cases, a digital camera may offer both types of zoom features. Most digital camera users recommend concentrating on the optical zoom feature to validate the quality of the device.

What To Look For In A Digital Camera

A digital camera generally has an LCD screen. This wide screen replaces the small aperture in conventional cameras through which you look into before taking the shot. The LCD screen allows the photographer to view the picture while taking it to see how it would appear in reality.

Digital cameras have memory stick slots where memory sticks are inserted. Unfortunately, memory is another major consideration that many consumers often overlook. For the most part it is because digital cameras that require larger memory can be quite expensive.

On the whole, many of the digital cameras of today make use of rechargeable batteries. Consumers should check if the particular brand they wish to purchase comes with a charger. If not, then you need to purchase it separately.

Downloading pictures taken with the digital camera is another factor that need to be considered. In most cases, many digital cameras can easily be connected to a desktop computer using a USB port. Through this connection, a user may download the pictures taken with the camera into the computer’s hard drive for printing or editing.

For more helpful information about digital photography don't miss Learn Digital Photography Now, Digital Photography Secrets, and Easy Digital Photography Business.

posted by Sekilas Tentang Digital Imaging @ 22.05   0 comments
Color Or Black And White
Color or black and white? The debate regarding the use of color or black and white for photographs has been going on for decades. Many traditionalists still prefer the formal appearance of black and white photographs. However, these days there seem to be only a few traditionalists left as more and more photographs are being developed in color.

Many people are opting for color pictures simply because they are simpler and cheaper to produce. This was not always the case, as it took sometime before the required technology for color photographs could surpass the quality of black and white photos.

Before color, black and whites were the standard print used for on film. Many historical materials that may contain pictures are often in black or white. During the early days of photography, black and white processing and printing was more inexpensive than color. At the same time, black and white photographs had better quality than color.

At the start, color photographs were to expensive to process and print compared to black and white. Plus, the outcome of color photographs was not as crisp or sharp as black and white. It was only until after the eighties when the quality of color photographs surpassed black and white.

Color In Today’s Photographs

Unfortunately the entrance of color printing into the main photography scene meant the decline of black and whites. As a result, the supply of black and white film dwindled as well as the facilities that could process and print them. In just a short time, black and white photographs became the exemption in photography while color became the rule.

In today’s world almost everything is in color. Photographers, amateur and even professionals prefer using color in order to better express the details of the pictures that they take. In addition, photographs processed and printed in color are cheaper than black and whites. In fact these days it is easier to get photographs printed in color than black and whites.

The technology used in photography these days is able to produce photographs that capture each and every vivid detail in color. Furthermore, the advances in photography have also made it possible for people to convert their existing black and white photographs into color. The results are astounding as the photograph is vibrantly reprinted in color without leaving any detail out.

The Resurgence Of Black And White

Following the current trend in revivals, black and white photographs are experiencing a comeback as photographers are rediscovering the power of black and white imagery. Many people now view black and white photos as an innovative take on the usual colored pictures. At the same time, black and white photos impart a sense of reality that can be lost in colored pictures.

Print advertising was the first industry to revive the interest in black and white pictures. Gigantic billboards across the country featured ads done entirely in black and white. Since then, black and white photographs became requested all over the place.

Black and whites became popular with brides who wanted to add a historical and classic touch to their wedding pictures. Photography classes have also used black and white photographs as a great way to teach students on how light affects film. However the resurgence of black and white was inevitable because it's simply beautiful.

What Goes With What?

In the early days, people had no choice but to use black and white since it was the only medium available to them. But today, people can choose what they want for their photographs. In most cases, the choice of using color or black and white is a matter of personal preference.

Keep in mind that most subjects can be taken in black and white. However there are times when using color can help bring out the true beauty of the subject. You may want to pass up a black and white motif for subjects that are known for color like an autumn settings, flowers and colorful butterflies.

Use a black and white theme for subjects where color may become a distraction to the viewer. Scenes of war or an accident are more compelling and less violent to look out minus the color of blood. In this way, black and white photographs relay more emotion without being too disturbing.

For more helpful information about digital photography don't miss Learn Digital Photography Now, Digital Photography Secrets, and Easy Digital Photography Business.
posted by Sekilas Tentang Digital Imaging @ 21.52   0 comments
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